I Stole Three of My Friend's Chips Ahoy! Cookies

So this friend of mine is staying at my house and the other day he bought a package of Chips Ahoy! brand chocolate chip cookies. When he first opened them I asked if I could have one and he said yes. I ate one of his cookies at that time. It was too crunchy and the chocolate tasted kind of funny to me, but overall it was okay. Anyway, later on my friend was asleep and, having no cookies of my own, I decided to help myself to one of his. Somehow this time it tasted way better. I then took two more and enjoyed those just as much. I thought about taking a fourth cookie, but in the end I decided not to. I feel a little guilty, but I might take some more when I get home tonight. As a side note, all this talk about stealing reminds me of wooden nickels which reminds me that, for novelty's sake, I think I would take a wooden nickel.
The First Chips Ahoy! Cookie: C-
The Three Stolen Chips Ahoy! Cookies: B-
Feeling Guilty About Stealing Cookies: C
Overall Experience: C+